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多式联运能够充分发挥各种运输方式的综合优势,对于推动物流业降本增效、完善现代综合交通运输体系具有积极意义。武汉港阳逻港区具备发展多式联运的各项要素,但缺乏对多式联运发展的系统性规划,港区多式联运发展相对滞后,综合交通优势尚未有效发挥。通过总结典型案例的发展经验,结合港区内外部综合因素,思考港区多式联运发展思路,探讨港区多式联运的布局规划以及综合服务的提升,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   
针对长江上游某港区复杂的自然条件和通航环境以及典型的山区地形建设条件,分析港区总平面布置主要影响因素及技术问题,合理地布置码头,较好地解决了大水位差水工结构和装卸工艺设计问题。通过理念创新和技术创新,提出12 m重车间距的双线"C"型两支点双车翻车机,成功采用防风网基础与管线带结合布置和轨道基础内部设置排水沟等节约用地的优化方案,充分发挥了上游地区造地的作用。  相似文献   
Traffic flow optimization and driver comfort enhancement are the main contributions of an Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) system. If communication links are added, more safety and shorter gaps can be reached performing a Cooperative-ACC (CACC). Although shortening the inter-vehicular distances directly improves traffic flow, it can cause string unstable behavior. This paper presents fractional-order-based control algorithms to enhance the car-following and string stability performance for both ACC and CACC vehicle strings, including communication temporal delay effects. The proposed controller is compared with state-of-the-art implementations, exhibiting better performance. Simulation and real experiments have been conducted for validating the approach.  相似文献   
振华启东船厂前身为成立于2007年的道达船厂,针对厂区内各功能模块之间的能力匹配问题凸显、部分设施破损、部分设施严重制约厂区生产能力的问题,通过厂区现状平面布局、工艺流程系统梳理,根据企业发展定位和关键生产要素潜能制定科学合理的规划目标,以生产设施产能分析计算分析为理论支撑,提出一套各区域产能相匹配且适应未来规模化、精益化、规范化、安全化发展的产能升级布局规划方案,达到各功能模块布局合理、生产能力匹配、生产工艺流畅、生产设施规范的目的。针对既有港区的产能升级规划,采用以定量计算为支撑的规划方法,可供类似工程参考与借鉴。  相似文献   
针对碍航闸坝瓶颈问题,以富春江船闸为例,全面总结已建枢纽实施船闸扩建改造工程的主要关键技术与创新设计,包括保留原船闸并紧接新建一座大尺度船闸的总体布置、船闸结构设计、新老船闸衔接输水系统、老船闸加固改造、坝下施工围堰等,达到既满足通航安全要求,又避免对大坝安全、防洪安全、电站发电等不利影响,对解决我国众多枢纽船闸碍航问题具有典型示范作用。  相似文献   
Augmented Reality “AR” is a promising paradigm that can offer users with real-time, high-quality visualization of a wide variety of information. In AR, virtual objects are added to the real-world view in real time. The AR technology can offer a very realistic environment for enhancing drivers’ performance on the road and testing drivers’ ability to react to different road design and traffic operations scenarios. This can be achieved by adding virtual objects (people, vehicles, hazards, and other objects) to the normal view while driving an actual vehicle in a real environment. This paper explores a new Augmented Reality Vehicle “ARV” system and attempts to apply this new concept to a selected traffic engineering application namely the left-turn maneuver at two-way stop-controlled “TWSC” intersection. This TWSC intersection experiment, in addition to testing the feasibility of the application, tries to quantify the size of gaps accepted by different driver’s characteristics (age and gender). The ARV system can be installed in any vehicle where the driver can see the surrounding environment through a Head Mounted Display “HMD” and virtual objects are generated through a computer and added to the scene. These different environments are generated using a well defined set of scenarios. The results from this study supported the feasibility and validity of the proposed ARV system and they showed promise for this system to be used in the field-testing for the safety and operation aspects of transportation research. Results of the left-turn maneuver study revealed that participants accepted gaps in the range of 4.0-9.0 s. This finding implies that all gaps below 4 s are rejected and all gaps above 9 s are likely to be accepted. The mean value of the left-turn time was 4.67 s which is a little bit higher than reported values in the literature (4.0-4.3 s). Older drivers were found to select larger gaps to make left turns than younger drivers. The conservative driving attitude of older drivers indicates the potential presence of reduced driving ability of elderly. Drivers’ characteristics (age and gender) did not significantly affect the left-turn time. Based on the survey questions that were handed to participants, most participants indicated good level of comfort with none or small level of risk while driving the vehicle with the ARV system. None of the participants felt any kind of motion sickness and the participants’ answers indicated a good visibility and realism of the scene with overall good system fidelity.  相似文献   
公交通行能力约束的智能调度优化模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公交通行能力是解决城市交通拥堵问题、促进城市公共交通系统高效运行的要素之一。介绍了公交通行能力的计算要素,并针对目前我国城市由于盲目调度造成的公交系统运营效率、服务水平下降的问题,提出将公交通行能力作为约束条件对公交调度进行优化。鉴于公交企业制订调度方案时需兼顾公交服务水平和企业效益,将智能调度的目标确定为候车时间满意度、候车空间满意度、车内舒适满意度和企业满意度加权平均值最大,并给出了相应的计算方法。最后讨论了利用遗传算法对模型进行求解的过程。  相似文献   
为更好地反映不同决策者对电子收费系统(ETC)评价的偏好,从政府、运营者和付费者三个主要利益主体的角度对ETC系统的评价指标及评价方法进行了研究。根据评价指标体系筛选原则,确定了基于决策偏好的ETC系统评价指标体系;通过综合分析成本-效益法(CBA)和数据包络分析法(DEA)的各自特点,依据基于决策偏好所确定的评价指标,同时引入当前一些比较好的算法来优化CBA,DEA和AHP法,建立数学模型,从而确立了基于决策偏好的综合评价方法。该方法较为全面地对ETC系统社会经济影响进行评价,所建立的指标体系和方法能更直观、更可靠地反映出决策者的决策偏好。  相似文献   
智能交通系统是一个高科技集成系统,它综合运用各种高新技术于整个交通管理系统之中,可以系统、全面、高效地提高交通运输的安全性.文章阐述了智能交通系统在交通安全中的作用及在福州市的应用情况,指出了福州市发展智能交通的方向,以提高福州市的交通安全管理水平.  相似文献   
《重庆市城镇道路平面交叉口设计规范》(DBJ 50/T178—2014)于2014年5月1日起施行,用以规范指导重庆市道路平面交叉口设计工作。《规范》编制遵循以人为本,因地制宜,公交优先,规划、设计、管理一体化的指导原则。《规范》的创新之处包括:根据建成区环境和地形特征执行有差异的设计标准以适应实地环境、避免过度建设;明确平面交叉口选型的考虑因素和选型办法;细化交叉口视距三角形停车视距等。此外,《规范》还详细规定了设计车型、行人过街设施、路缘石转弯半径、无障碍过街设施、公交站台长度等内容。  相似文献   
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